
Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Mother of Only One Child

A friend of mine posted an article on my Facebook wall the other day; it almost brought tears to my eyes. You can read it here. It's a post written to "the mother with only one child," and it is so sweet, so true, and so poignant that I felt compelled to share it with the rest of you.

The funny thing is that this is just what the Lord has been teaching me in dealing with others. I've thought about all of the times I've judged others for struggling with "easy" things that I've gone through myself. I look at other people as weak or easily stressed out when they buckle under the weight of a seemingly easy season of life. The Lord is quick to correct, however, and I've tasted my own medicine recently.
I've had someone belittle my struggles. It hurts. It really hurts. It makes me feel ashamed or weak, inadequate, and small. I'm not small. The struggles I experience are real; the struggles others experience are real. It doesn't matter how small the situation seems to be, or how many more difficult struggles I've seen since then, it feels so big and so difficult because it is. So, I am okay with having only one child and it being really difficult at times. It's okay for me to struggle, to cry, and to feel tired, and I need to have that same attitude towards others.
Thank you Tristan. I really needed to read that article...


  1. Jessie, I love your heart and love reading your blog! You are one special girl and one special momma! What you say is real and true. You can't be anywhere but where the Lord has you. Life has it's ups and it's downs in each season we are in, and I hope and pray that through each one that we push each other toward the goal of Jesus Christ!

  2. That article DID make me cry because they really do leave someday, the Loe family notwithstanding! You'll be just fine. I had a very hard time at first, too. Babies are delightful, but the isolation and foregoing of usual sustenances are very hard to adjust to. It is not without pain that we deliver, rear, and let them go.
