
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Garage Sales: Some Tips

        Our garage sale turned out to be successful, despite the fact that it snowed the moment we opened shop, and the fact that we didn't advertise very well.

But I'll give you some tips on how to organize a more successful garage sale (if you are so inclined).
1. Give yourself more than a week to organize. Time can be the difference between being totally stressed out and irritable (as I was), or throwing a successful and peaceful garage sale that will be worth the work put into it.

2. Don't individually price clothing, dishes, or other small items. We found it was more profitable to let people offer their price; on a couple of occasions we earned more from offers than we would have made if we had priced it ourselves!

3. Advertise, advertise, advertise! We used Facebook and we made signs to put up the night before. But if you take out a classified ad you may have more of a turnout!

4. Pick a date where there's no way it will snow!

5. Post some individual items on Craigslist. We actually got a few people coming just to buy a specific item and ended up buying other things as well! This turned out to a really

6. Remember that is just a garage sale; it isn't anything to lose peace in your house over!

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